The latest Bottom Dollar Bounty missions in GTA 5 added new content for players to engage with while they eagerly wait for its upcoming sequel. However, it seems that these new additions may not have its players as excited as Rockstar Games would have hoped.

Taking to Reddit to express their displeasure, a GTA 5 player seems to have opened the floodgates on a host of issues currently plaguing the game. And with many of these issues being ones that are legitimate, it seems like Rockstar Games may have some course correcting to do on its latest DLC.

Literally All Over the Place

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GTA 5’s latest DLC has left its fans a little underwhelmed.

While the update did have a few things that made long-term GTA fans quite happy, the new update does come with its own problems. A series of baffling choices on the new missions seems to be the culprit here, and GTA 5 players are having none of it.

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Although the update added new cars and tuning upgrades for them, along with new missions that allow players to earn extra cash by taking on the titular bounty hunts, those very missions are the reason for GTA 5 fans’ disappointment with the new update.

A Troubled Start for Bottom Dollar Bounties

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What’s the point of a great world to explore if the vehicle you’re using is tedious to drive?

In their Reddit post, user The-Lazy-Lemur questions the need to place Bounty Missions at the very top of the map with the vehicle being used on those missions feeling slow and sluggish. The entire post is below:

It’s quite counterproductive to give players new cars to unlock and drive but have them use a less-than-ideal van on new missions. It’s especially puzzling given Rockstar Games’ stellar track record at designing content that is engaging and fun to play, a sentiment that was prevalent at the time of the DLC’s launch.

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Other fans were quick to point out similar experiences with the new DLC and the creative ways they found to deal with its problems.

byu/The-Lazy-Lemur from discussion

Many GTA Online players were quick to question the need to place missions away from popular locations in the game, accusing its developers of taking a quantity-over-quality approach to the new content.

byu/The-Lazy-Lemur from discussion

Others have taken issue with the way things are balanced in the game, feeling that unlocking new, fast cars did not necessarily give them the advantage that they were hoping for.

byu/The-Lazy-Lemur from discussion

However, the above comment does showcase a silver lining for Rockstar Games, as fans of GTA Online continue to play the game because they love it. It’s also a great way to learn more about what players expect for GTA 6 when it releases next year and to implement that feedback to make it the experience that they expect.

Given Rockstar Games’ obvious talent for creating great games with engaging missions and narratives, GTA fans can certainly expect a better showing from them in the future. Perhaps the new update’s problems are because its best minds are currently hard at work on GTA 6.