• Years after PUBG was released, Krafton once again came to the limelight with Inzoi.
  • Inzoi lets players recreate any character of their choice, whether it is from an anime or a person from real life.
  • The extraordinary graphics and other features make the images nearly look like real photographs.

After PUBG, Krafton has once again taken the world by storm with its newly introduced character creator for Inzoi. Therefore, this is the newest trend going on, where gamers across the world have dived into creating life-like replicas of their favorite characters from almost every sphere. Players can choose to create a virtual image of anyone, be it a pop celebrity, politician, actor, or in-game character.

New trends often come and go, and after waiting for years, players finally received a life-like sim that has captured a massive fanbase with its impressive features and outstanding visuals. The characters players have been making in Inzoi seem exactly like the characters we are familiar with.

Inzoi was released on Steam after Gamescom ONL concluded, and players almost immediately dived into creating different life-like characters using it. There are indeed loads of Inzoi creations, but the list below will give you the top five characters created with it.

5. Hinata Hyuga

inzoi character creator hinata hyuga
Hinata Hyuga’s Inzoi image looks almost the same as we have seen her in Naruto.

Hinata Hyuga is one of the characters in the widely popular Japanese manga and anime series Naruto. Aside from her being the former heiress of the Hyūga clan, she has a substantial role to play throughout the series.

Therefore, for Naruto fans, it is not at all surprising to make Hinata Hyuga when they get Inzoi. A creator named Britbrat_brat has posted the Inzoi image of this character on Reddit, which has received a lot of praise from other fans. Surprisingly, she looks almost similar to how she generally appears in the anime.

4. Alex Chen

inzoi character creator alex chen
Making an image of Alex Chen is reasonable considering her popularity and powers as a protagonist.

If you have played the Life Is Strange series by Square Enix, you must remember Alex Chen. She was introduced in the 2021 installment, named, Life Is Strange: True Colors, as the main protagonist. 

If you remember, Alex used to have supernatural powers that she could use to see, experience, and manipulate the emotions of people around her.

MiszGia recently posted an Inzoi version of Alex on Reddit, which looks exactly like her in-game appearance.

3. Waluigi

inzoi character creator waluigi
Waluigi’s fame as an antagonist is so big that players even made his image using the latest character creator.

As a gamer, it is hard not to hear about the Mario franchise, and if you have played it, you must have encountered Waluigi. He first appeared in Mario Tennis. He is one of the antagonists and a partner of Wario in spin-offs from the main series. Waluigi is hard to forget, not only for his mischievous activities but also for his appearance. 

Recently, when the Inzoi trend began and players started creating their favorite characters, one Mario fan recreated Waluigi, who looks the same.

2. Walter White

inzoi character creator walter white
Walter White has earned a massive fanbase as an antagonist, and fans are making his image in the latest character creator.

This creativity is not only limited to gaming but even the TV show characters are included in the Inzoi list. Therefore, Reddit user Merbellen has created the exact image of Walter White using the incredible tools in Inzoi.

If you have watched the American crime drama television series Breaking Bad, you must not yet have forgotten the iconic anti-hero Walter White from the show. 

This expert chemist has won the hearts of the fans with how, from a chemistry teacher, he turned into a drug dealer. His ruthlessness surprised the audience, but the Inzoi image proves he still has fans’ love.

1. Harry Potter

inzoi character creator harry potter
Harry Potter is one of the most renowned series ever made.

This character probably requires no introduction. The protagonist of one of the biggest hit fantasy novels and movie series has been well known to all. The magical journey of Harry and his two friends has mesmerized audiences every time they have encountered the trio.

Therefore, Harry Potter fans recreating Harry is something expected, and alwin006 posted an almost exact image of Harry on Reddit using Inzoi.

Aside from these, fans have created almost exact images of Taylor Swift, Donald Trump, Rihanna, The Joker, and loads of other personalities from different sides of the entertainment industry or politics. Some of them are so lifelike that they can almost pass as actual photographs.

While some images are exactly the same, others are a little different, but one thing that must be acknowledged is the graphics and visuals of Inzoi. Krafton once again proved its skill in making games after the PUBG storm in 2017.

Now, if you are a gaming fan and love to experience different types of games, there’s a list we have prepared for you to recall some of the most tragic and memorable deaths the gaming world has ever witnessed.