Dragon’s Dogma 2 presents players with different vocations to try and one of the initial among them is the Thief vocation. This vocation is one of the most unconventional vocations of the game as generally RPGs feature Warriors, Sorcerers, Knights, etc., as the protagonists of the games. Most importantly, the Thief vocation is one of the default unlocked vocations that players can try from the beginning of the game. With plenty of attacks, this vocation can be one of the most suitable for your playing style.

Thief is not only an unconventional character class introduced in the game, but also, Capcom has designed it as the most agile vocations of the game who are always ready to fight with their short blade. Surprisingly, these attacks deal immense damage to enemies. Therefore, it is not at all surprising, if players become curious to play as Thieves. Anyway, it is always better to know the best build before you switch to that vocation and start progressing further. So, this guide will help you know Dragon’s Dogma 2 best Thief build.

Best Dragon’s Dogma 2 Thief Vocation Weapon Skills

While choosing a vocation, the most important thing that players need to know about that vocation is the weapon skills of that specific vocation. So, if you are at a Vocation Guild and planning to switch to Thief, it is a must that you have a clear idea about the weapons skills of that vocation. As a Thief, players can either go for a total offensive type play style, or they can try to have a stealthy playing style. However, players mostly like the offensive style as it will allow them to check the abilities of the dual-wielded daggers. The build has multiple weapon skills to choose from, but we have listed the best ones here:

  • Biting Wind
  • Helm Splitter
  • Enkindled Blades
  • Ensnare

Among the five weapon skills mentioned in the list, the Biting Wind is a must. No matter how you have decided to play as a Thief, this is the best skill to equip. The biggest advantage of this weapon skill is that it doesn’t consume stamina, but allows you to close the gap between you and the enemy instantly and land a powerful slash. It is an unpredictable attack and the best part is while you are in the attack animation, enemies can’t hit you. This attack can be used multiple times in a row to cut enemies into pieces with the slash attacks.

dragon's dogma 2 best thief build
Fighting as a Thief

Next comes the Helm Splitter attack. It is also a must have weapon skill, especially, if you are trying to take down some flying enemies or giant foes. In this attack, players will jump into the air, and roll forward with the daggers. This attack can be landed in mid-air and if you can master the skill, players can land a flurry of attacks. This attack is especially useful against enemies like ogres and cyclopes.

Coming to Enkindled Blade, this ability enables players to ignite their blades by clashing their daggers together. This ability will be useful when players have pinned down their enemy or climbed it to attack his head.

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Finally, comes the Ensnare ability where players can easily deal with the flying enemies. This skill doesn’t directly launch an attack to deal damage, but it allows players to bring flying  enemies down and hit it with melee attacks. Players can even use it on the giant enemies to disbalance them.

Best Dragon’s Dogma 2 Thief Vocation Core Skills

dragon's dogma 2 best thief build
Thief Vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2

After the weapon skills, another important thing to check before choosing a vocation is its Core Skills. Core Skills are the defining skills of a vocation and like other Vocations, the Thieves also have a few great Core Skills that will amaze player:

  • Scarlet Kisses
  • Twin Fang
  • Controlled Fall

The Thief vocation has only a few Core Skills and the Scarlet Kisses should be your primary choice. This is a basic attack where players can deal back to back slashes in quick succession. Therefore, where the enemy is tough and has a chunk of health to reduce, using Scarlet Kisses will make things easier.

If you are confused about Twin Fang, it allows players to land two back to back hits, if the first hit makes the enemy disbalanced. So, if the target is huge, this core skill can really help you out.

Finally, comes the Controlled Fall core skill. This is a defensive skill which allows players to quickly revive back after they are knocked down. Once your character is knocked down, they will swiftly get up and regain their strength. 

Best Dragon’s Dogma 2 Thief Vocation Augments

dragon's dogma 2 best thief build
Thief Vocation Arisen Characters

If you are curious to choose the Thief vocation, Augments are the final things to consider. So, don’t proceed after checking the weapon and core skills. Augments are passive boosts that every vocation possesses and Thieves are no exception. These passive skills will help players get some extra advantages during fights. Thief vocation has a few augments available, but below we have listed the best ones:

  • Vigor
  • Gratification

Whenever players face a large enemy, one of the most convenient ways to tackle them is to climb up their body and hit their head. The process is challenging, but fun. However, this process requires a lot of stamina. Vigor reduces the stamina consumption of players when climbing a large enemy and allows players to climb up enemies without any worry as Thieves.

Next comes, the Gratification augment, where players will get back a little bit of their health after each kill. Generally, players should be the one to land the final blow, and whenever you do this as a Thief, Gratification will let you get back a little bit of your health.

That’s everything you need to know if you are planning to start your Dragon’s Dogma 2 journey as a Thief. This vocation may not be the best one in the game, but one of the most unique vocations for sure. It will easily help players to deal with large enemies without losing much stamina. The weapon skills and augments are incredibly helpful for players during challenging fights.