Capcom has designed their latest RPG with great focus to each detail. While the graphics and storyline seems extremely impressive, the character creation is to another level. Like other RPGs, Dragon’s Dogma 2 has different character classes to choose from; the only difference is that the game calls them Character Vocations. Throughout their journey, players can have a total of 10 vocations to choose from, but unfortunately, not all are accessible from the beginning. Only four of them are unlocked initially, and the Fighter is among them. 

Fighter is one of the most common vocations in RPGs, and that’s why it will naturally attract the attention of the players more. Dragon’s Dogma 2, won’t disappoint players, as Fighter is one of the strongest early game vocations to take down hordes of enemies. Initially, this vocation seems to be the simplest one, but the abilities are great. However, the only thing is, players need to choose the strongest weapon skills, core skills and augments to build the character. This task is not as easy as it sounds. Therefore, this guide will help players know the best Fighter build in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

Dragon’s Dogma 2- Best Fighter Weapon Skills

When you start your journey as a Fighter, you need to know that offense is the most vital thing for a Fighter. However, sometimes, defense also plays a crucial role. Fortunately, the game features a good balance of Offense and Defense in the Fighter build. Fighters have their sword and shield to survive throughout the entire journey. So, the most important thing to focus on as a Fighter is to find the best weapon skills. Below we have listed the top five skills of the vocation:

  • Blink Strike
  • Airward Slash
  • Impeccable Guard
  • Shield Bash
  • Counter Slash

Among these five weapons skills, Blink Strike is the most initial one to acquire as a Fighter. This ability is not complicated to understand and players don’t need a lot of time to master it. It is one of the basic skills to use at the beginning of a fight where players can charge at their target before they deliver a stab attack. We suggest using it in the beginning of the fight because, at that point players need to close some distance to come at melee range. 

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Next comes Airward Slash weapon skill which allows players to swing their sword when they are in the air. Basically, in this move, players jump in the air, twist their body and swing their sword vertically to land a hit on the enemy. This skill is specifically effective when fighting flying enemies. As for the enemies who are on the ground, there’s a great chance of missing the attack. 

Impeccable Guard, the name itself says that it is a defense move that a Fighter should understand and use during a challenging combat. This skill helps players escape during the most challenging situations where all the enemies start showing attacks on them. If you get stuck in a condition where a group of enemies start attacking you together, use this ability to use your shield to protect your Arisen from the attacks and he will spin like a turtle to escape the situation. 

dragon's dogma 2 best fighter build
Using Weapon Skills as Fighter

Next and the fourth weapon skill that players should not miss as a Fighter is Shield Bash. You are already aware of the defensive use of the shield, but this skill will let you know the offensive use of the equipment. This ability allows players to launch the shield to bash some enemies. Precisely, if players are facing small enemies, they can hold the shield in front of them and push it forward to send those enemies in the air. However, against huge enemies, this may not give you the same effect, but it will still help you disbalance them.

The last weapon skill for the Fighter build is Counter Slash, which is another defense ability for the players. It is just the skilled form of timed parry. Parrying is a great defensive ability in the soulslike games which even help players to deal damage to the enemies. However, Counter Slash doesn’t require players to parry the attack at a perfect time. Your Arisen will automatically do it and then launch a slash attack immediately after the enemy attack ends.

Dragon’s Dogma 2- Best Fighter Core Skills

dragon's dogma 2 best fighter build
Fighter Core Skills

If you have been going through the game, you are definitely aware of the Core Skills that every vocation has in the game. Core Skills are not always defensive skills, but they are essential to equip, so the fights will be a lot smoother. If you are trying to build the best Fighter class, check the below Core Skills:

  • Deflect
  • Enchanted Counter

Deflect is one of the most effective skills to master in the game. Though it is a bit complicated, still it will help you parry an attack with a quick hit on the enemy. If you can press the Deflect button at the right point when the attack is about to hit, it will be parried and followed by a quick counter attack which consumes no stamina. That’s indeed a great thing, but the time needs to be perfect. 

Coming to Enchanted Counter is one of the best core skills Fighters can use as it will help them take advantage of the enemy’s elemental weakness. While progressing through the game, players often encounter enemies with elemental weaknesses, as some of them are weak to fire damage. In these times, Enchanted Counter can launch a counterattack of what your sword is enchanted with, as soon as you tap the Defend button. 

Dragon’s Dogma 2- Best Fighter Augments

dragon's dogma 2 best fighter build
Dragon’s Dogma 2 Fighter Build

Augments are some of the crucial skills to choose. These are the passive skills all the vocations have and Fighters are no exception. So, if you are trying have strong Fighter build, check the below list to find the best augments:

  • Mettle
  • Provocation

Mettle is a defensive augment which increases the physical defense stats of your Arisen, which is a must for a Fighter. Alternatively, Provocation allows players to distract the enemies to them, so that their Pawns, especially the Mage ones, get enough time to cast their spells. Using this augment increases the chance of the enemy to focus on your Arisen character.

That’s all players need to know about how to build the best Fighter Build in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Eventhough, it is an initial vocation, still, it can be one of the most suitable one for you, if you are well aware of its strengths and weaknesses.