• Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster serves as a massive overhaul to the original 2006 title.
  • Capcom is also bringing other classic games to work seamlessly on Steam.
  • Facing many issues due to Games for Windows Live, these titles were basically unplayable for a long time.

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster is currently sitting at “Very Positive” reviews on Steam, suggesting the fact that even with a plethora of new IPs and video games at their disposal today, fans want to experience titles from a time when gaming was a much simpler concept.

Released just yesterday, Capcom’s overhaul of its 2006 action-adventure classic has seemed to prove something quite interesting for the developer and publisher, prompting it to take a similar approach, at least to some extent, with other games from its extensive catalog that have gotten lost through the years.

Because of a certain online service that has not been updated for more than a decade, there was not any way to play these particular titles without pirating them, but fortunately, they are making an exciting comeback on the usual storefront for PC gaming.

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster’s Success Paves the Way for Other Lost Capcom Classics

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster has proven that nostalgia is a powerful weapon, and Capcom seems to be taking full advantage of the fact.
Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster has proven that nostalgia is a powerful weapon, and Capcom seems to be taking full advantage of the fact.

While the Capcom fanbase gets absorbed right back into the world of Dead Rising, loving how the developer has poured new life into the 2006 title without losing what made it so special in the first place, the company is taking things even further with more classics set to launch on Steam very soon.

Fans of Capcom are probably aware of Games for Windows Live, a service that has been discontinued since 2014 but is still proving to be quite a problematic obstacle in their path to relive some of the developer’s greatest hits from the past. That essentially made these titles unplayable for a really long time, which is why the company is updating them so they can be played and enjoyed on arguably the most convenient PC gaming channel, Steam.

The games that are getting updated on Steam were only available to play through Microsoft’s now-dead service, all of which were initially launched in or before 2014, including the third-person shooter title from 2010, Lost Planet 2. Serving as a sequel to 2006’s Lost Planet: Extreme Condition, the game was eventually delisted from Valve’s digital storefront in 2021 as there were many problems arising thanks to its Games for Windows Live features.

Fans of the Classic Titles Are Understandably Excited to Revisit Them

Lost Planet 2 would have gotten lost in time due to its Steam delisting in 2021, but Capcom is finally reviving it.
Lost Planet 2 would have gotten lost in time due to its Steam delisting in 2021, but Capcom is finally reviving it.

Getting the chance to experience their favorite old-school titles without any hindrances on Steam, Capcom fans are quite satisfied with the company finally updating them on Valve’s platform.

Of course, the excitement levels around the return of Lost Planet 2 on the digital storefront are extremely high, as it has been nearly three years since the third-person shooter title first disappeared from Steam.

The inclusion of Street Fighter X Tekken, a 2012 title that brought fighting genre enthusiasts’ greatest fantasies to life with a thrilling crossover between Capcom and Bandai Namco’s respective franchises, has also been met with a lot of enthusiasm.

Capcom’s recent shift in focus towards some of its older titles that were not getting the attention they deserve for the past few years seems to be working in the developer’s favor, as it is clearly playing to its proven strengths and ensuring that its gaming gems do not get lost in time.