The Call of Duty franchise has been a major part of publisher Activision’s success ever since the first game launched in 2003. While the first few games in the franchise focused on World War II as the setting for their explosive narratives which put Activision and their respective developers on the map in the world of shooter titles, subsequent games have chosen to take on other eras in history for their stories.

Some titles in the franchise even chose to dive into futuristic settings with varying levels of success. However, players have always gravitated towards Call of Duty’s excellent mechanics and storytelling ability, which have seen the franchise navigate its ups and downs with grace to continue being among the best-selling titles that Activision has been a part of.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Continues the Narrative

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Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is all set to make waves when it releases later this year.

With Call of Duty: Black Ops touching upon various conflicts of US history with a host of individuals from the real world finding their way into its intense narratives, many players wonder if the developers would choose to take on more controversial instances of warfare for their games.

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Discussions about the upcoming game and its potential sequels express a desire to see the franchise take on a period of conflict in US history that could be quite rewarding from a storytelling perspective but risky from a critical and commercial standpoint, considering how sensitive the source material can be to a number of players.

Could Vietnam Get the Call of Duty Treatment in the Future?

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The Vietnam War might not be among Call of Duty’s first choices for future titles.

A visit to the Call of Duty subreddit highlights how some players may be interested in revisiting the Vietnam War in a future Call of Duty title. However, responses from other players seem to suggest otherwise, with nuanced reasons as to why this turbulent era may not be an ideal choice for any game to take on.

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The post below is the perfect showcase of why Vietnam may not be the best option for a Call of Duty game, with many players expressing why they believe that it would be difficult for the franchise to touch upon.

byu/PineappleHead6205 from discussion

Despite Vietnam featuring in the first Call of Duty: Black Ops and a select few other titles over the years, one player sums up why it would not be a great choice in the current climate, referencing another title in the franchise to prove their point.

byu/PineappleHead6205 from discussion

However, another player seems to think that the Vietnam War making its way to a future Call of Duty title is inevitable, considering that the franchise can only use other historical conflicts in a limited number of titles.

byu/PineappleHead6205 from discussion

Another player hopes that Activision and any developer working on Call of Duty avoids Vietnam altogether, considering how much of the war they would have to alter or exclude from the game in order to make it palatable to a wider audience.

byu/PineappleHead6205 from discussion

Any game touching upon the Vietnam War would undoubtedly have its work cut out for it in terms of balancing historical accuracy with creative license.

However, if any franchise could achieve that balance, Call of Duty would certainly be among most players’ first choices.