Call of Duty often comes at the top of the discussion with their frequent updates. Players have received one of the most anticipated Season 2 Reloaded update a few hours back and this update has come with some significant additions, along with buffs and nerfs.

Buffs and Nerfs are integral parts of a COD update. These things help players get a balanced experience of the game. But the Warzone Season 2 Reloaded has brought a specific Nerf that probably players never thought of getting. Activision has fixed multiple overpowered weapons, but one adjustment has divided players into different opinions.

Warzone Season 2 Reloaded Has Changed the Meta to a Great Extent By Introducing a Nerf

Updates are common in Call of Duty games. They bring new content and fix issues that ruin gameplay experiences. Similarly, the latest Warzone Season 2 Reloaded has brought several buffs and nerfs to balance the gameplay, and in this process Throwing Knifes got a significant power deduction. @WZStatsGG shared about it on Twitter and revealed that “Throwing Knifes can no longer 1 Shot kill to the Chest in #Warzone!

Throwing Knives have always been a popular weapon in Warzone, and community members often debate about whether they can use them to get one-shot kills using them. However, the latest update drastically nerfed their abilities and now players can only get a one-shot kill if they land a perfect headshot with a Throwing Knife. Otherwise, the one-shot feature is abolished. Even the damage rate got a significant reduction. The damage only remains 175 (previously it was 200). If one checks the numbers, they may not seem a significant change, but when you use it in-game, the nerf can be clearly felt.

The nerf ensured that players no longer get a one-shot kill if they hit on the chest of an armored enemy with a Throwing Knife. Initially, a well-aimed chest shot was enough to take down a well-armored enemy in one hit. However, after the Reloaded update, hitting their chest will break their armor, but then you need to hit the enemy a few more times to kill them.

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The poster asked for the reaction from the community players and overall players reacted positively. Of course, a few players got upset with this nerf, but most players accepted it cheerfully without any complaints. They majorly agreed to one point that they got frustrated by knocking down with Throwing Knives. So, this nerf seems to be a much required change.

Season 2 Reloaded Has Brought Several Other Buffs and Nerfs Along With a New Introduction

warzone season 2

Players have been expecting a lot of fixes from the Reloaded update and Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone Season 2 Reloaded has brought them. Multiple weapons received increased and decreased stats, including MCW, Holger 556, BP-5-, BS-B, RAM-9, Lockwood 680, etc.,  but what’s more exciting is the introduction of the new killstreak Bunker Buster.

This new killstreak was introduced in Modern Warfare 3 which can launch a missile that can send an explosive blast through multiple floors to destroy the enemy camps inside a building. Now, enemies can’t feel safe while taking shelter inside a building and aiming at others with snipers. This is expected to make the later parts of a match more challenging to survive.