Call of Duty games often come at the top of the discussion. Sometimes these games become hot topics because of the unique tricks used by hackers; otherwise, they often indulge in activities that frustrate players. Since Modern Warfare 3 was released, there are buckets of complaints players have been sending, but mostly, Activision is silent about them. They have solved a few but ignored some of them, including the one that once again came at the top of the discussion on Reddit. Recently, again a wave of dissatisfaction sparked among the MW3 fans and they have been slamming one of the most controversial features of the game.

A Modern Warfare 3 Player Claimed to Enjoy the Old Game Without One of the Most Annoying Features

Call of Duty players are probably aware of the term SBMM or Skill-based Matchmaking. This system has been in the COD series for a few years already, but when Activision announced it as part of the Modern Warfare 3, players protested a lot, but everything went in water. Activision introduced the Skill-based Matchmaking system to the game. However, recently they disabled it for a few hours and on Reddit, a player claimed he had his best time playing COD when this system was disabled.

However, he then claimed that as soon as the system again got activated, he was again feeling like “playing one or two games and getting the hell outta there.” So, he concluded that he used to enjoy the game in the good old days when SBMM was not part of the game. Additionally, he questioned the logic behind the system.

The SBMM system was designed to match players of similar skill levels in a certain lobby. This is basically created to give players a more customized and competitive battle experience. When playing with the same level of players it is easy to show skills and dominance. It help players enjoy the game thoroughly and make progress.

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However, the aim behind the system sometimes makes the veteran players and most importantly the hardcore grinders feel frustrated. Even the comment section of the same Reddit post is full of players agreeing with the poster. Most veteran COD players think the SBMM system must be part of the ranked play and not the multiplayer games.

Should Activision Remove SBMM From Modern Warfare 3 Permanently?

modern warfare 3
Modern Warfare 3

This system has not ever been supported by the fans and the players. However, this system should not be entirely removed as it is made considering the skill differences of players. Every day millions of players play MW3 and not everyone has a similar skill level. Veteran or pro players always suppress the newcomers. Skill-based Matchmaking confirms that there must be a fair gap between the players of different skill sets.

No matter how much players oppose this system and claim that this system is restricting their limits of playing MW3, it is really important to create a balance among the players and make it equally enjoyable for everyone. Otherwise, random pairing can always let the pro players dominate the newcomers, which will eventually make them lose their interest in playing the game. So, this feature should be present in Modern Warfare 3, so everyone can enjoy the game based on their skill level.