Destiny 2 is a game that has constantly managed to release expansions that improve its overall gameplay loop and keep its players engaged with a gripping science-fiction story and memorable characters. Its latest expansion, The Final Shape, has continued this trend, enjoying critical success since its release.

The Final Shape brings an epic conclusion to the game’s main story, pitting the Guardians against its main antagonist, The Witness, while reintroducing beloved characters like Cayde-6 into the fold. It’s a decision that has worked in its favor, allowing for an expansion that has action and quiet moments working in tandem to deliver an unforgettable experience for fans of the game.

The Beginning of the End

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The Traveler beckons in the first mission of Destiny 2: The Final Shape.

The Final Shape begins with the mission Transmigration, which sees your Guardian and their Ghost enter the Traveler with Mara Sov, who provides some narrative context for the new expansion. It seems that The Witness has been busy, reinforcing its control over the Traveler to achieve its nefarious ends.

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It is up to you and your allies to stop its advance, setting the theme for the remaining missions of The Final Shape that culminate in an epic showdown with The Witness. However, there are a lot of enemies to take down before that glorious battle, with the Icon of Finality being among them. It’s time to find out where you can find this new enemy and the best ways to deal with the threat it poses to your mission.

Bosses Be Gone: How to Defeat the Icon of Finality in Destiny 2’s The Final Shape

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Navigating the Threshold isn’t as easy as it sounds.

Getting to the Icon of Finality in Destiny 2: The Final Shape‘s first mission is no easy feat. The expansion brings a massive difficulty spike that is sure to challenge both new players and veterans alike. Beginning at the Threshold of the Traveler, you must make your way through its many pathways.

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The first major resistance you encounter is in the form of a Taken Witch and a Taken Centaur shortly thereafter to change a Darkness plate into a Light one to open up your path forward. After bringing down another barrier of Darkness by shooting down some Darkness Nodes, you encounter a new enemy type for the first time: the Dreads. Pay attention to their attack patterns, as you will be seeing a lot of them throughout the expansion.

After opening up a pathway of floating platforms by defeating a bunch of enemies that include numerous Taken, a Minotaur, and a Taken Centurion a little ahead, you are finally able to bring down another barrier and proceed with the mission. You finally make your way into the Traveler, encountering the power of Prismatic power and learning how to use it.

You are finally inside the Traveler, in the initial regions of the Pale Heart. Here, you fend off numerous Taken and Dreads before going toe to toe with a Taken Witch who is equipped with a Prismatic Shield that you will have to break through using your new-found power. Another Taken Witch is in the area whom you must defeat in order to proceed and finally encounter the Icon of Finality.

This is a Taken Ogre who is aggressive, powerful, and cunning. It belongs to the Hive class of enemies but comes with a few key differences from the rest of its brethren. For starters, it switches out its rapid-fire Void Eye Blast in favor of the Arc Rotten Surge, allowing it to fire in bursts that increase in duration as long as the Icon of Finality can keep attacking without interruptions.

Its massive health pool makes light weapons a poor choice against it. What’s more, the Rotten Surge causes a lot of knockback, meaning that you cannot try to get close to the Icon of Finality without being pushed away. It thus makes sense to attack from a distance, taking the time to dodge away from its attacks while you use heavy weaponry to lay down some suppressing fire.

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The Icon of Finality hits hard and fast. You should too.

Another attack to watch out for is its Ground Slam, which can cause some serious damage if you do not time your dodges right. Finally (pun intended), the boss can enter a berserk state where its attacks hit a lot harder while it gains an increase to its speed and a damage reduction buff. Be cautious in your approach when this state is active, and remember to keep your distance while counterattacking.

This fight is more a marathon than a sprint, so take your time with the boss and whittle away at its massive health bar to bring it down and claim the Primatic Subclass. While a lot of its Fragments and Aspects are locked, it can be a game-changer later down the line. Prepare yourself for another difficult boss encounter against the Subjugator and witness a touching reunion with Cayde-6 to end the mission.

If you are looking for more help with Destiny 2 or The Final Shape, such as where to find its many Exotic weapons, look no further than our guides to help you find the way.