Elden Ring has finally opened its doors to the Land of Shadow with Shadow of the Erdtree, its one and only DLC expansion. This highly anticipated chapter to one of FromSoftware’s most popular action RPGs has already captivated the gaming community with its stunning environments and boss designs, along with the trademark difficulty spike that fans of Hidetaka Miyazaki’s work have come to expect.

Although seemingly small at first, the Land of Shadow is a massive new world to explore, bringing more of what players loved about Elden Ring while introducing clever new mechanics from other FromSoftware titles in meaningful ways.

A Terrifying Blend of Grace and Ferocity

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Miyazaki continues to showcase his genius with boss designs in Shadow of the Erdtree.

Miyazaki is known for taking inspiration from a variety of sources when it comes to designing boss battles. It’s a trend that he takes to new heights with the first major boss in Shadow of the Erdtree, drawing on his Asian roots in a way that no one could have predicted. This time around, it’s the traditional Lion Dancer costume seen in many Chinese festivals that has inspired this new boss design.

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The Divine Beast Dancing Lion is the first Remembrance Boss you fight in the new DLC, incorporating the Lion Dancer design to present a foe that is awe-inspiring yet terrifying in equal measure. While its real-life counterpart is meant to bring good fortune, the Dancing Lion seeks to bring a load of misery to your Tarnished instead. As the gatekeeper to a mysterious new Shadow Tree in the Belurat Settlement Legacy Dungeon, this boss harnesses the power of nature with primal rage.

How to Beat the Divine Beast Dancing Lion in Shadow of the Erdtree

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Sinister and menacing, the Dancing Lion had us on the edge of our seats.

It can get difficult to get a few hits on the Dancing Lion due to its unpredictable movements and hitboxes. The first thing you need to remember is that the boss’ midsection does not register any hits you may land, so use your attacks wisely. However, attacking its head and rear sections does deal damage, as long as you take the fight cautiously and attack only when there is an opportunity to do so.

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It’s time to look into the boss’ attack patterns. The first one you need to look out for is a series of three swipes with its claws in which it delays the third strike to mess with your dodge timings. Wait out each attack and dodge them in a way that positions you in front of the boss to land a couple of hits on its head.

Next, the Dancing Lion rears its head back before spitting out debris at the Tarnished, which deals a ton of damage. Dodge into the attack or to either side to avoid it. It could also rotate in place and spew debris in a wide circle around it. You could jump over the debris if you are caught far away, but dodging into it at the right moment leaves you well-placed for a few counterattacks.

A very dangerous attack is when it stands on its hind legs and lunges at you to grab you in its mouth. This attack cannot be blocked and takes out a huge chunk of your health if you get caught in it. Wait for the lunge before dodging away from it. Do note that dodging to the side can give you an opportunity to land a few strikes on its head – its weakest point. It could also slam its head down for an area-of-effect (AoE) attack if you are close to it. Once again, dodge away from the attack to be on the safe side.

The Dancing Lion can also take to the air, hovering for a few seconds before crashing down and attempting to chomp you again. The same strategy as before can leave you in a good position to counterattack. Once you whittle away at about half its health bar, the Dancing Lion unleashes its true power.

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This boss is the literal embodiment of shock and awe.

The Dancing Lion begins to infuse its attacks with either Wind, Lightning, or Frost, changing up its elemental every twenty to thirty seconds to keep you on your toes. In its lightning form, it causes AoE explosions while also calling down Lightning onto the battlefield, making controlling space in the fight a massive challenge.

Its Frostbite attacks replace the debris from its first phase while also adding a Stomp attack that inflicts Frost buildup. Its Storm attacks call in tornadoes that radiate outward in an attempt to trap you in a vortex.

Dodging all of these attacks requires timing and that you hold your nerve to wait for the right moment to dodge in order to get in position for attacks of your own. This phase can get a little tricky, a challenge made all the more difficult in the last stages of the fight as the Dancing Lion rapidly switches between these three elements. Balancing your armor to get as much resistance as you can to each element can greatly improve your chances in this fight.

As far as its weaknesses go, Bleed damage worked wonders against the boss, as we were able to use our Rivers of Blood Katana to quickly remove chunks of its health bar, working in tandem with our Mimic Tear Spirit Ash to distract it while we dished out damage. Wait for the boss to turn its attention to the Mimic Tear and get a few hits in before repeating the cycle again. You can also summon Freyja, the former Redmane Knight, to make the fight easier. Black Knife Tiche is another great option in this fight.

Taking down the boss rewards you with the giant Dancing Lion headpiece, which you can use to get some unique dialogue with the Old Lady in the Storeroom in Belurat. The Remembrance it drops lets you choose between the Enraged Divine Beast Talisman, which strengthens your Storm attacks, or the Divine Beast Frost Stomp Ash of War for those Frost builds out there.

For more help with Elden Ring and Shadow of the Erdtree, let our detailed guides help you make your way through the Land of Shadow and trace the footsteps of Miquella with ease.