Call of Duty is indeed one of the biggest gaming franchises ever, with millions of players grinding the game regularly. Over the years, Activision has presented players with several Call of Duty games, but all eyes are currently on Modern Warfare 3. This game has created a separate fanbase, but that doesn’t mean fans don’t have any complaints regarding game mechanisms. Recently, a fan shared his issues with one of the troublesome features of the game. 

Modern Warfare 3 has multiple features that are supposed to make the game easily playable for players by banning scammers and hackers. However, these features don’t work as they should, and once again, an example of this has come to the surface.

Fans Want Black Ops 6 to Abolish a Feature That Modern Warfare 3 Players Find Annoying

call of duty modern warfare 3
Modern Warfare 3 players have seen a lot of problematic features in the game, but voice chat moderation has crossed all the limits.

Call of Duty players are well aware of the voice chat moderation system that has been introduced to reduce toxicity. Toxic players often bother genuine Call of Duty gamers by speaking rudely with them or using derogatory words. Therefore, this AI-powered mod is designed to identify these things that violate the code of conduct set by Activision and ban players temporarily from voice chat. 

This is what Activision initially stated when it launched this feature. But, ever since this voice moderation feature was launched, players have constantly complained about getting banned for nothing. Recently, on Reddit, a user brought up this same topic and mentioned that they got suspended even when their mic wasn’t connected.

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According to them, someone reported them, and they got a suspension. In the comment section, several players have agreed to what they’ve expressed, showing that players have been going through this situation. However, players don’t want Black Ops 6 to have this voice chat moderation system. 

Black Ops 6 Beta Is Almost Around the Corner and It Is Time to Check Whether Activision Has Learned From Mistakes

call of duty black ops 6
Black Ops 6 Beta is almost at the door, and players are super-hyped to try this game out and see whether Activision has learned from previous mistakes.

Fans have been waiting for Black Ops 6 for a long time. However, their wait has almost come to an end as the beta of the game will start on August 30 for players who have pre-ordered the game on any platform. This version will run until September 4.

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That’s not all; players who haven’t pre-ordered the game will also get the chance to experience the beta starting from September 6 to 9. This will be an open beta that anyone can play. 

However, the most important part of this beta is that this is the first time players are going to experience Activision bringing its most renowned franchise’s beta across all platforms at the same time.

So, there is only a month left before the beta of the game comes, and it is time to know whether Activision has taken these complaints from players seriously and made changes accordingly to make the gameplay experience smoother. 

Despite several controversies, Black Ops 6 is one of the most-hyped games of this year, and players have been expecting a lot from the beta version. Whether it will meet expectations or not is still a question.