• After one year of release, Baldur's Gate 3 received a mod that is going to change its combat system to real-time mode.
  • Though changing the combat mode allows players to control the in-game characters in real-time, there are even cons that must not be ignored.
  • Combinedly, the popularity of the mod is still in question, as a considerable number of players love the turn-based system.

Modders have been doing some outstanding work in recent times. Mods are generally aimed at making games more exciting, either by improving the quality of gameplay or adding some extra in-game elements to enjoy. A similar thing Baldur Gate 3 players are going to experience as a new mod is about to bring some new in-game elements that Larian Studios should have considered long ago.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is 2023’s one of the highest-rated role-playing games, initially released on PC in August. The Metacritic score of 9.1 is enough to state how much players loved this experience, but it could have been even better with this one feature that a modder has added. 

Baldur’s Gate 3 Newest Mod Bringing Real-Time Combat

baldurs gate 3 gameplay scene
Baldur’s Gate 3 receives a new mod to change its turn-based combat system.

Since the game was released, Baldur’s Gate 3 has received multiple mods. Even Larian announced mod support for creators. Among the existing mods, some are to improve the graphics of the game, some to add more character customization options, etc. However, none of these mods ever tried to improve one in-game feature that would make the gameplay smoother. 

Turn-based battle systems are popular in-game features, and role-playing games often have it as the primary combat system. Though the combat system of Baldur’s Gate 3 has received praise from fans, due to the high degree of freedom, a group of gamers are still unhappy with the turn-based combat.

Even after a year, Larian Studios didn’t consider this part, but a modder did. Recently, on his YouTube channel, tinybike, the modder, shared a real-time combat experience of the game that he created using a mod. 

The video clearly shows that using this mod will allow players to control their in-game avatar in real time, which makes the fight a lot faster than before. However, there’s a catch. This mod makes the control harder, as the creator himself described, “Very very very rough draft.”

Anyway, how much this mod will gain popularity isn’t yet sure, even though it seems to make the experience better for a group of players.

Baldur’s Gate 3’s Real-Time Fighting Mod Looks Like a Controversial One

baldurs gate 3 characters
Baldur’s Gate 3’s default combat system is already enough popular to make this mod’s future uncertain.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is one of the finest RPGs released in 2023, with multiple awards in possession, along with the Game of the Year award. Even the game has sold around 20 million units since its initial launch. Therefore, it is unfair to say that players were unhappy with the combat system of the game.

The combat system of the game has received substantial popularity, which even causes some of the Baldur Gate 3 fans to question the purpose of having a real-time combat system mod when the turn-based battle is already easy and satisfying to handle. 

Some players even mentioned that a real-time combat experience won’t suit the gameplay at all, only making it horrible to play.

Therefore, it appears that this latest mod is not going to appeal to the entire fanbase equally. While some players will find it extremely useful, others won’t be interested in it. 

Well, aside from this, multiple other mods already exist that players can try to make their gameplay experience better; even some of them work for combats. 

Anyway, if you want to experience something new in Baldur’s Gate 3, it won’t be a bad idea to try this mod out.