Ghost of Tsushima has tons of activities to complete throughout the story. Exploring every location thoroughly is one of the most important among them as exploration is the key to gathering all the required abilities and skills. With exploration comes the mini-games scattered throughout the map, and Bamboo Strikes are among them. Ignoring them won’t affect the main story, but Jin will miss some required abilities and skills.

Bamboo Strikes are hidden throughout the three islands, and players can find a total of 16 Bamboo Strikes to solve and increase their Resolve stock. These memory games are relatively easy, but locating them requires some effort. To make this finding process smoother, we are going to list all their locations.

What is Bamboo Strike in Ghost of Tsushima?

ghost of tsushima bamboo strike
Bamboo Strike mini-game locations in Ghost of Tsushima

Before going further to discuss the location of the Bamboo Strikes, players need to know what these mini-games are all about. These mini-games are scattered throughout the map and require players to cut through a set of bamboo. Players will get three attempts. In the first one, they have to cut down three bamboos. During the second attempt, the number increases to five, and in the third attempt, the bamboo numbers increase to seven. Jin needs to take out the sword and cut through all of them in a single blow.

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It is indeed a side activity, but we recommend not skipping it, as unlocking and upgrading new abilities are the keys to winning against challenging enemies. Completing the Bamboo Strike games increases Jin’s resolve stock, allowing him to unlock new healing and combat abilities.

All Bamboo Strike Locations in Ghost of Tsushima

Now that we have a clear knowledge of the Bamboo Strike games and their importance in Ghost of Tsushima, this is the time to locate all of them in the game. We have previously mentioned that the game has 16 Bamboo Strikes to complete throughout three islands, and we have mentioned their locations based on the island where they are located.

Izuhara Bamboo Strike Locations

ghost of tsushima bamboo strike
Cutting all three bamboos will complete the first round of the mini-game

Izuhara is the first island players will access in Ghost of Tsushima. This island has seven Bamboo Strikes to find. Below, we have discussed all their locations:

  • Make your way to Azamo Bay in the game, and from there, start traveling towards the eastern side of the region. As you reach the easternmost side of the location, you will find the Bamboo Strike.
  • The next one is the Tsutsu Bamboo Strike which is located on the riverbank, near the Rusting Bend mark on the map.
  • Coming to the next one, players will locate the Ariake Bamboo Strike in the south of Houren’s Pasture. To be more specific, this will be found on the south side of the rival that separates Ariake from Azamo.
  • Kashine Bamboo Strike is located on the northern side of the Kashine region, next to the Wanderer’s Pass.
  • For the Hiyoshi Bamboo Strike, players need to make their way toward the west side of the Hidden Springs Forest and locate the Hiyoshi Springs settlement. Outside a house, this mini-game is located. 
  • If you are trying to access the Komatsu Bamboo Strike, you have to make your way to the north of the Komatsu region, and the Bamboo Strike will be found on the southwestern edge of the Komatsu Forge settlement.
  • Next, make your way to the south side of Komoda Town and locate Wolf Cub Falls. On the south side of the falls, you will find the Bamboo Strike.

Toyotama Bamboo Strike Locations

ghost of tsushima bamboo strike
Blew down all three bamboos in a single strike to complete the mini-game

The next island that players need to visit is Toyotama Island. This island also has six Bamboo Stike mini-games to locate. Check out their locations below:

  • The first one you are going to locate here is the Akashima Bamboo Strike, which will be found on your way to Castle Kaneda. Precisely, this Bamboo Strike is placed on the western outskirts of the Old Togo Rice Fields.
  • The next one you will find is the Umugi Bamboo Strike, which is located on the southwest corner of the region, next to the Umugi Cove.
  • The third one among the six is the Kushi Bamboo Strike, which will be found north of Benkei’s Falls and next to a building located near the falls.
  • If you are trying to locate the Kubara Bamboo Strike, you have to go to the north of Lord Shimura’s camp, and the Bamboo Strike is located next to a watch tower.
  • Yarikawa Bamboo Strike is the next one you should locate. This one will be found on the eastern side of Yarikawa Stronghold.
  • The final one is the Otsuna Bamboo Strike, which will be found in the northern section of Omi village. Spot the biggest building in the village, and the mini-game is located in the courtyard.

Kamiagata Bamboo Strike Locations

ghost of tsushima bamboo strike
The second round of Bamboo Strike mini-game in Ghost of Tsushima

This is the final island to visit in the game, and this island has only three Bamboo Strikes to locate. We have discussed their locations below:

  • The first one is the Sago Bamboo Strike, which will easily be located to the southeast of Sago Mill. The Bamboo Strike is near a watch tower.
  • Kin Bamboo Strike is the second Bamboo Strike to be found on the western edge of the small island located in the north of Kin province.
  • The final one is the Endless Forest Bamboo Strike, which players will locate outside the Kin Lighthouse.

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That’s mostly everything players need to know to locate the Bamboo Strikes in Ghost of Tsushima. These games take only a few seconds to be completed, but some of them will require more time to be found if the exact location is unknown. These mini-games are easily missable activities. Of course, that won’t do anything to the main story, but without Resolves, Jin will face difficulties in the latter part of the game. 

If you are struggling to progress through the game and looking for the Fundoshi Armor or Tadayori’s Armor, don’t hesitate to check out guides on acquiring them.

For more information about the Ghost of Tsushima and to make your journey smoother, go through our guides. We hope these guides will help you progress through the game without any severe issues.