Alien is a franchise that almost every science fiction horror or action genre enthusiast is aware of, as the original trilogy earned it an iconic status in the cinematic world. Although the rest of the franchise has been a rollercoaster ride, with some drastic lows that the creators would likely want to forget, it has been adapted into nearly every form of media, and it has had quite a long journey in the realm of gaming as well.

Around three years ago, Cold Iron Studios tried its own hand at 20th Century Fox’s sci-fi universe with Fireteam Elite, but despite not being the most well-received video game based on the franchise, it seems like a sequel may actually be on the table.

Aliens: Fireteam Elite Could Be Getting a Sequel in Q3 FY2025

The Xenomorphs are seemingly making a grand comeback in the sequel to Aliens: Fireteam Elite.
The Xenomorphs are seemingly making a grand comeback in the sequel to Aliens: Fireteam Elite.

Disney is seemingly the latest massive corporation to fall victim to a large amount of data being hacked and leaked online, giving some potential details about what the company is planning with the countless franchises under its belt.

One of these leaked projects is allegedly a sequel to 2021’s Fireteam Elite, Cold Iron Studios’ third-person shooter title that served as somewhat of a continuation to the original Alien trilogy.

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Being called Project Macondo as a working title, the developers are potentially aiming for a release date that falls somewhere in Q3 FY2025.

According to an allegedly leaked document that has been since shared all across social media channels by fans, Cold Iron is ensuring that Aliens Fireteam Elite 2improves upon the mechanics, atmosphere, and excitement of the original.” Possibly being launched on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox, the second Fireteam Elite installment seems to be bringing a new chapter in the Alien franchise with its campaign, while also introducing a fresh game mode called Annihilation.

It would apparently take players eight hours to complete the 10 missions that the campaign will present, while the new mode will only feature a single map and arena.

Aliens Fireteam Elite 2 Seems to Be Putting Content Quantity to the Side

The second Fireteam Elite instalment will seemingly feature fewer characters and enemies than its predecessor.
The second Fireteam Elite installment will seemingly feature fewer characters and enemies than its predecessor.

The oddest aspect about the seemingly leaked document is that Cold Iron Studios could be taking a step back regarding the quantity of content planned for the upcoming Aliens Fireteam Elite 2.

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A glaring example of this is the supposed number of enemy types that players will potentially get to fight, which used to be 20 in the original Fireteam Elite but will now be limited to nine core enemies in the sequel.

Similarly, the number of playable characters has also decreased and changed form, as the first installment allowed players to create their own character within seven different classes, but there are only five preset heroes in the next one.

Of course, that does not necessarily mean that there will be a compromise on quality, as even other huge games like Helldivers 2 still have not brought plenty of elements from their original counterparts. Only time will tell if Fireteam Elite is indeed getting a sequel or what next is in store for the Alien franchise in the video game landscape.