As divisive as it was, The Last of Us Part 2 is one of the most emotionally wrenching gaming experiences that have ever been created. One may disagree with its controversial narrative choices, but it’s difficult to deny what it achieved from a technical standpoint. However, after releasing the sequel to its 2013 hit, Naughty Dog’s slate got taken up by various remakes or remasters of its older titles.

Now that the multiplayer project based on the post-apocalyptic IP has been scrapped, The Last of Us director Neil Druckmann has teased what the developer is currently up to.

The Last of Us Part 2 Director Teases His Next Game

It remains to be seen whether it is another The Last of Us installment or an entirely new IP.
It remains to be seen whether it’s another The Last of Us installment or a new IP.

Neil Druckmann, the co-president at Naughty Dog, had a conversation with Sony regarding the ways in which storytelling has evolved in various mediums, as games have become an immersive force to be reckoned with.

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The studio has been responsible for some of the most engulfing narrative experiences in the realm of gaming, and Druckmann’s quite “excited about a new” game that the developer’s currently working on. The creative head called his upcoming effort “the most thrilling yet,” increasing expectations and suggesting that the studio’s looking to elevate its well-established storytelling capabilities.

In December last year, Naughty Dog shared an update on The Last of Us Online, but in an effort to stay true to its single-player nature, the development of the title had to be stopped. The studio stated that it has “more than one ambitious, brand new single player game” in the works, which suggests that it may be a fresh IP that doesn’t have any ties to its post-apocalyptic titles.

As Sony’s navigating the live-service space with Arrowhead’s Helldivers 2 and the upcoming Concord by Firewalk, letting the Uncharted developers stick to creating single-player experiences seems like the right approach.

Neil Druckmann Discusses the Impact of the TV Adaptation

The studio head believes that the HBO adaptation has put the spotlight back on gaming's storytelling capabilities.
The studio head believes that the HBO adaptation has put the spotlight back on gaming’s storytelling capabilities.

There used to be a time when video games getting adapted into any other medium used to come with a certain curse, and the end results were usually quite underwhelming.

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Stating that there is now “a growing appreciation for gaming that transcends all age groups,” Druckmann gave credit to HBO’s television adaptation of The Last of Us, as it managed to connect two separate demographics. The studio head hoped that the show “would bridge the gap between gamers and non-gamers,” and with its massive success, gaming has found itself at the forefront of the storytelling realm.

The triumph of the TV series has made plenty of things clear for the creative head when it comes to his vision, as it has inspired some elements that will be making their way into the studio’s “current project.”

With the PlayStation Showcase reportedly on its way very soon, it would not be too surprising if the developer revealed something more substantial about its upcoming video game at the event.