Hackers and cheaters have always been a troublesome part of the Call of Duty games. They use unethical means to win games and destroy the fun of the gameplay. Almost every COD title faces this same problem.

No matter how Activision tries to deal with them, they somehow manage to escape all these. Therefore, often COD bans player accounts if they find it suspicious or other players report it. But this process is not easy and often Activision messes up things by banning innocent people. A recent Reddit post again shed light on a similar incident.

Activision Blizzard Again In Their Process of Stopping Hackers Made a Wrong Decision

Since Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone Season 2 were released, players have been constantly complaining about the hackers and their annoying cheats that make these games more unplayable. So, Activision Blizzard has decided to ban unauthenticated accounts, and in this process, they have permanently banned the account of a Reddit user who is a regular player, and not a cheater. That person takes this issue to the Call of Duty subreddit to share his experience.

According to the player, he purchased his game from Battle.net and he initially thought that his account was authenticated by Blizzard by default. However, that was not the case and he realized it when his account was hacked recently and he got the mail that says that a stranger’s Steam Account is being linked to his Call of Duty account.

He unlinked the account and when he logged in from his account, he found no game. Initially, he thought he was shadow-banned, but then he received an email from Activision saying that his account was permanently banned for using unauthorized software and manipulation of game data.

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The player got mixed reactions on Reddit. While some players supported his complaint and criticized Activision for these kinds of unacceptable steps, a few supported Activision and criticized him for not verifying his account authentication prior.

However, recently, Activision has taken steps to stop the rise of cheaters and banned thousands of them.

Activision Tricked Cheaters with RICOCHET to Ban Them Permanently

Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone have been suffering from hacker issues for a long time and RICOCHET can’t solve the problem. This anti-cheat software has been trying to reduce these activities but hackers find new methods to use cheats in the game. So, recently, Activision tricked them and banned 6000+ accounts from the games.

On February 22, the Call of Duty X account shared a post where they clearly stated their method of dealing with all these cheaters. As part of their ongoing security update process, they turn one of their telemetry systems offline. However, the hackers thought it wrong and assumed that the RICOCHET was taken offline. The authorities took this chance to monitor all the activities throughout the weekend and finally, banned over 6000 accounts for cheating and hacking between February 16 to February 20.

However, this process is complicated and while banning 6000+ accounts, Activision may have made a few mistakes as the Reddit player faced. At least, they have been trying to make the Call of Duty games fair for everyone.