Taking the cooperative third-person genre by storm, Helldivers 2 is definitely a showcase of just how good the genre can be! However, the early to mid-levels of the game might see you and your team fall prey to some of the game’s tougher bugs – the Chargers and Bile Titans. These enemies are a little harder to deal with than your run-of-the-mill hunters, stalkers, or warriors. They can be overwhelming in many situations if they are not dealt with properly and quickly.

And with a host of other bug-type enemies being a major presence in a large part of the game’s world, it can be important to equip your player, and your team, to handle them with deadly precision and grace. For bug missions from Medium difficulty up to Helldive, having that extra firepower may very well be the edge you need for a win against the swarm.

A Terminid Infestation (and What to Use to Destroy It)

The bugs can really pack a punch if left unchecked.

These insectoid aliens like to get up close and personal with your Helldivers, and almost always relay on their strength in numbers. Moreover, the tougher of the Terminind classes can either strike from range, or close the distance with you quite quickly.

With that in mind, here are five of the best Stratagems you can use to make your time with Helldivers 2 feel like a power trip during Terminind missions.

5. Incendiary Mines

Dominate choke points with ease.

Incendiary Mines may seem like an unlikely candidate for Terminid missions if not for three factors. One, bugs are very susceptible to fire, even the tougher ones. Two, they can be unlocked as early as Level 8 and for 4,000 Requisition Points. And three, they not only set bugs on fire but the area over which they are spread out to be covered in fire, dealing additional damage over time to multiple enemies.

They can decimate swarms in the early game, and prevent you from being overwhelmed by the bugs, whose attacks work best at melee range. With the right team combinations, the Incendiary Mines can be used to devastating effect with a low 180-second cooldown.

Like most other Stratagems, friendly fire is always a consideration and the mines are no exception. But deployed well, this Stratagems can really turn the tide in your early Helldivers 2 battles.

Deploy the mines with the code Down, Left, Left, Down.

4. The Exo-45 Patriot Exosuit

Maybe a little AC/DC to round things off?

The Patriot Exosuit can wreak havoc on Terminids of all shapes and sizes! Equipped with a thousand rounds of machine gun ammo, multiple powerful rockets, and the ability to act as a deadly explosive once its ammunition is depleted, this Strategem can devastate Terminid swarms with ease.

Best used at range, the Exo-45 also comes with melee capabilities – a stomp that can easily take out lesser bugs once you run out of ammo. Or simply exit the suit and have it draw the fire of a nearby Charger.

Although it is only unlocked at level 25 and costs 20,000 Requisition Credits, this Stragem can change the way you play Terminid missions!

Deploy it with the code: Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down.

3. FLAM-40 ‘Incinerator’ Flamethrower:

Exploit the Terminids’ biggest weakness.

Unlocked quite early at level 10 at a cost of 6,000 Requisition Points, the Flam-40 can very well work all the way up to Helldive difficulty. As a fire weapon, it is highly effective against Terminids and its medium-range bug-killing capability remains unsurpassed. It can be a huge advantage in the early game to medium difficulties.

However, it does come with the risk of setting your own teammates on fire in tricky situations, making other Stratagems more effective at dealing with the swarm. But in the right situations, the Flam-40 is a great Stratagem to have at your disposal, keeping hordes of bugs at an arm’s length and allowing your team to tear through their ranks. It’s also a brilliant choice against Chargers, after recent updates.

It can be used with the input code: Down, Left, Down, Right, Left.

2. Grenade Launcher

Mob? What mob?

Working well against armored enemies and mobs, the Grenade Launcher is a great early-game choice for most Helldivers 2 players. Unclocked as early as level 5 for the low cost of 6,000 Requisition Points, this Strategem can be a very handy one to bring along to a Terminid mission, owing to its utility in closing bug holes – an important mission objective in many instances.

It’s also effective in controlling the flow of combat against the bugs, as it can be deadly against swarms. With this capable weapon in the right hands, your team can do more than level the playing field – you can clear it out entirely.

Use the code Down, Left, Up, Left, Down to summon it.

1. Orbital Rail Cannon Strike

The boss killer.

The Orbital Rail Cannon Strike Strategem unlocks rather late-game at level 20, and costs 10,000 Requisition Points to purchase.

SUGGESTED: How to Defeat Bile Spewers in Helldivers 2

However, it is simply the best Stratagem to bring on higher-difficulty Terminind missions with the ability to auto-target the largest threat and obliterate it from the skies. What’s more, it has unlimited uses and a reasonable 210-second cooldown time.

It must be used with care, however, as it deploys nearly instantaneously and can cause some serious damage to your teammates if used carelessly. Call it in with the code Right, Up, Down, Down, Right.

The Best Defence is a Good Offense

These Strategems are a great choice against the Terminids in Helldivers 2 and can be a boon in easier difficulties. While the Grenade Launchers and Orbital Rail Cannon Strike can work well against Automatons too, it is against the Terminids that these Strategems really shine.

Building a team with these weapons spread across your respective loadouts should see you blaze a fiery path through Terminid missions with ease, maintaining a constant barrage of both medium-range AoE damage and powerful long-range strikes against deadlier targets.

We’ve got a lot more fun ways to experience Helldivers 2 for you on the way. Do stay tuned to get the best out of your missions!