Fallout is a popular action RPG franchise developed by Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky. One of the most successful video game franchises in the world, Fallout is set in a mid-22nd century post-apocalyptic and retro-futuristic world. The events of the game unfold after a nuclear war between the USA and China. The first game starts in 2161 with the protagonist, the Vault Dweller who inhabits an underground nuclear shelter. Due to the nuclear war, the world isn’t the same anymore and the survivors try their best to survive in this post-apocalyptic future.

Recently, the Fallout universe was adapted into a television series and it premiered on Prime Video. The series draws from the original storyline of the games. In the show, the refugees take shelter in fallout bunkers after a nuclear war which are known as Vaults. Unbeknownst to many these bunkers are capable of performing psychological experiments on the vault dwellers. The story takes a turn when in the distant future a young woman named Lucy leaves Vault 33 and starts journeying through a barren Los Angeles. Lucy continues her quest as she keeps searching for her father.

The show has been acclaimed globally by fans and critics alike but the games of the franchise still stand on top with some of them having quests that will blow away the show.

5 Fallout Quests That Are Even Better Than the Show’s Story

5. The Glowing Sea – Fallout 4

The menacing Deathclaw can be seen at The Glowing Sea

The Glowing Sea is one of the main quests in Fallout 4. It can be found in the southwest corner of the map. The Glowing Sea starts as the new quest once you complete Dangerous Minds. In the beginning, you will meet Doctor Amari who will set you on a quest to track down Virgil. You will have to forage through the entire area to find out Virgil. The Glowing Sea has several points of interest like the Sentinel Site, and the Cave. Players will come face to face with deadly creatures like Deathclaws and Radscorpions. The area also has a couple of abandoned buildings and radioactive pools.

The Glowing Sea has a very hostile environment with danger lurking everywhere. It is one of the best quests in Fallout because of the terrifying ambiance it creates while challenging players to be on their toes as they reach a rocky cave to find Virgil in the end.

4. Tranquility Lane – Fallout 3

An abandoned house in Tranquility Lane

Fallout 3 features many cool missions and campaigns that keep the players engaged till the end. However, one quest will be at the top of the list in the game which is the Tranquility Lane. It is one of the main quests in the game where players are pushed into a virtual simulation in a vault. The game turns into a nightmare for the players as they will have to become ferocious and complete a list of violent tasks. Be forewarned though that these tasks send you to the edge. However, the game provides a failsafe option for players by activating which you won’t have to complete the violent tasks.

This quest stands out due to its strange setting and characters. In a universe that is mostly filled with barren land, you will find this quest entertaining as well as peculiar at the same time.

3. Silver Shroud – Fallout 4

The Silver Shroud is included as a side quest in Fallout 4. In this quest, players will have to find and retrieve a costume. The quest is filled with thrill, terror, and fun as it turns everything up a notch.

After getting the costume you can further continue the quest to complete additional objectives.

2. You’ll Know It When It Happens – Fallout: New Vegas

fallout youll know it when it happens
Protecting President Kimball is the main objective of this quest

One of the best quests in the Fallout universe can be found in Fallout: New Vegas. This mission will be available after you have chosen the faction of the New California Republic (NCR). After joining the faction you will have to build a good reputation with them. Once you have built your reputation you will be assigned with the mission to protect the president of the NCR faction.

This mission allows you to employ your stealth skills and put them to the test. You will have to be on your toes all the time and track down the enemy sniper after investigating the area. Killing him will let you finish the quest.

1. Beyond the Beef – Fallout: New Vegas

fallout beyondthebeef
Beyond the Beef quest in Fallout: New Vegas

Another intriguing side quest in Fallout: New Vegas is Beyond the Beef. In this quest, you’ll have to eliminate members of the White Glove Society. The society handles the operations of the Ultra-Luxe Casino on the New Vegas Strip in 2281. They are a notorious group who used to be cannibals and the mission involves executing all the family members.

So, these five quests mentioned above are some of the best in the Fallout universe. The TV show has successfully emulated the universe on a different medium but the fun and thrill go to the next level while experiencing the Fallout universe through video games.