Skull and Bones is one of the most anticipated action-adventure games of this year with a massive open world to explore and tons of activities to complete. Ubisoft has presented players with an opportunity to become a kingpin of the Indian Ocean. However, this journey is not an easy one. Throughout the game, players need to complete quests, explore locations, plunder settlements, and destroy rival ships to incline their status to the highest peak.  However, this process requires you to manage your ships and crew properly and harvest the resources to use them in a way that can be beneficial to you. Acacia is one of those materials that players need to harvest in Skull and Bones.

If you have been grinding through Skull and Bones and trying to know how to get Acacia, this guide will give you all the required information. However, if you are confused about what Acacia is, let me tell you Acacia is a type of wood. The game has several types of wood and if you want to do something big, you need to get Acacia.

Skull and Bones Acacia Location- Where to Find?

Once you start progressing through the game and check your map from time to time, you will see that that map is full of different symbols. While you may think not all symbols are important to remember, the reality is quite different. Players need to remember all the symbols to know where they can find which resource and which one indicates what. All in all, understanding the map and the symbols is the key to finding resources in the game.

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Acacia Map Location

As you start exploring the map, you will find a few symbols that seem unfamiliar. Don’t worry, hover over the symbol and it will show you the name of the resource. This may not be the case with Acacia. If you are looking for Acacia, players need to find a tree symbol with green leaves on it. This symbol can be easily located on the map, but if you don’t find it, players need to zoom on the map to locate the symbol of Acacia. For reference, you can check the map above.

If you are still confused about the location, let me tell you, that these resources can be found floating in the water. Alternatively, you can find them in the north-west of the map. Unfortunately, they can’t be found in the starting location of the game, Sainte-Anne. Instead, players need to visit the northwest islands of Sainte-Anne to find and harvest Acacia.

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Once you locate the Acacia, the next step is to harvest the resource. If you are not sure about it, let’s check out the below section for the required information.

Skull and Bones Acacia Harvesting Process Explained

Hunting down resources is a common trait in every action-adventure game and Skull and Bones is no exception. From the beginning of the game, players need to look for different resources to upgrade their ship and other necessary equipment to progress through the game smoothly. However, there’s a little twist in the process as the game doesn’t give players any exact instructions to harvest the resources.

The harvesting process is a bit tricky in Skull and Bones as players need to participate in the Harvesting mini-games to harvest resources. So, as soon as you reach an Acacia tree, you have to interact with the prompted button to start the mini-game. Once the mini-game starts, players need to use their saw correctly to harvest the resource.

This process brings another piece of equipment to notice. Players need a Saw to harvest. Saw is one of the early game weapons that players need for multiple uses. Therefore, if you haven’t yet got one, you need to go to the carpenter and craft a Saw. Remember, without a Saw, you can’t harvest Acacia.

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Harvesting Acacia Mini-Game

So, if you have a saw, and you have pressed the instructed button, the mini-game will begin. The graphics change to an icon shaped like a wood saw with yellow and green sections on it and the saw will start moving from one side to another. With each move, you will get an option to press. Press the prompted button to harvest Acacia.

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If you press the button in the yellow zone, you will receive Acacia successfully. But, if you press the button in the green zone, it will be grand. Pressing the button on the green zone continuously will give players a bonus resource. Keep the process going on, until you get enough Acacia. At this point, players must note that, if they fail three times to hit the green or yellow zones, the mini-game will end and players won’t get Acacia.

How to use Acacia in Skull and Bones

Now, that you have wasted time and effort to get Acacia, you must know what the resource will do in the game. Acacia is the most versatile resource in the game that players can use to make different essential items, throughout the game. The first and the most important use of Acacia is to craft an “Acacia Plank.”

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Acacia Location in Skull and Bones

Acacia Plank is one of the Refined Materials that players can use to craft more complex items. Alternatively, it can be exchanged in the Refinery. However, if you are looking for the most important use of Acacia, it includes the crafting of the Rammer ship. Rammer Ship is a sturdy early-game ship that requires 10 Acacia to be built.

That’s all you need to know about how to use Acacia in Skull and Bones. The process seems to be easy but can be a bit tricky because this open world is equally open to all the players.  Remember, other players can also harvest the same resources from the same spot and once someone else harvests Acacia, you can’t immediately find them at the specific spot. Wait a little bit and all the harvested resources, including Acacia, will respawn. Make sure to harvest it immediately, before someone else does. This will be the same rule for all the players and all the resources.