Horizon Forbidden West takes players on a wild ride in the post-apocalyptic United States. Players venture into the Wild West where they have to battle animalistic machines and brave several obstacles for their survival. The sequel to 2017’s Horizon Zero Dawn, Forbidden West is filled with new challenges and missions in a primal world. The open-world game consists of brand-new regions that are populated by different machines like Behemoths, Clamberjaws, Deadwings, and Fanghorns to name a few. Some of the deadliest machines are the ones that resemble dinosaurs.

To beat these dinosaurs, players will have to keep in mind some tips and tricks. Horizon Forbidden West is a vast game and players will have to grind consistently. Players continue with Alloy as the game follows the aftermath of the events of Horizon Zero Dawn. The tips and tricks below will help you become the best Dinosaur-Mech hunter.

Horizon Forbidden West- Essential Tips to Become the Best Dinosaur-Mech Hunter


The world of Horizon Forbidden West is designed to unsettle players now and then. Players need to have a strong character build to survive the harsh environment in the game. The Wild West is no joke and it’s even more savage when it’s filled with deadly animalistic machines. These animalistic machines resemble real-world animals and some of the menacing ones are the Dinosaur-Mechs. Don’t worry, though; our guide will help you become the best Dinosaur-Mech Hunter in the game.

5. Start with resources at the beginning

Horizon Forbidden West provides you with a lot of ways to level up your armory in the beginning. Like most open-world games it starts slow but keeps getting intense as you venture through the Wild West. In the beginning, complete the Daunt Relic Ruins puzzle. This puzzle is a bit complex but can be done easily. Once completed, this will reward you with 5000 XP.

Complete all the Relic Ruins to earn one of the best legendary weapons in the game. This weapon is called the Shredder Gauntlet and will give you an upper hand against the Dino-Mechs. This Gauntlet is capable of firing boomerang-like discs which come in handy while fighting these colossal beasts.

4. Be on the move continuously

While facing the Dino-Mechs keep moving around them. Make sure that you stay away from them to protect your health. The game requires you to aim, dodge, shoot, craft, and kill constantly. So, being immobile won’t help you much during combat. The Watchers (Raptors) and the Thunderjaws (T-Rexs) are bestial and can inflict a great deal of damage if they get a hold of you.


Each Dino possesses a different kind of challenge for the players. As you progress through the game the Dinos keep on evolving and you have to target and take these vicious creatures out specifically.

3. Combating the relentless assault of the Watchers

The most common Dino is the Watcher, it can be easily distinguished with its single eye and it is similar to the Raptor. The Watcher comes in numbers and is capable of inflicting good damage. The Watchers have a glowing eye (which acts as an optical sensor array) in front of their face. This eye is their strongest part as well as their weakest part. You need to aim for the eye to take them down.

The “eye” is the Achilles heel of the Watcher and due to its size and frontal position, you can easily target it. The eye becomes more vulnerable when the Watcher engages in combat and charges forward. Use a Sharpshot Bow to shoot the eye which in turn deals a huge amount of blow to the Watcher. A properly aimed single strike is capable of killing it instantly.

Apart from their eye, the Watchers can also deliver blows using their tail. So, remember to keep your distance while aiming for the eye.

2. Defeating the Thunderjaw

horizon forbidden west

The Thunderjaw is Horizon Forbidden West’s version of T-Rex and this brutal force of nature that can kill you easily. It’s a technologically evolved mechanized dino that has been equipped with a couple of lethal abilities like a blaze canister, disc launcher, and rocket launcher to eliminate a player.

It is worth noting that the Thunderjaw can be taken down by targeting specific areas like its heart, its rapid-fire cannons, its tail, and its disc launchers.

First and foremost you need to be equipped with different kinds of arrows. Begin your assault by targeting the disc launchers on the Thunderjaw’s shoulders. These launchers can be used once they have separated from the Thunderjaw.

These disc launchers can be used to take out rapid-fire cannons. By disabling them you’ll deal a significant blow to the animal as the rapid plasma fire and tail whip won’t work anymore. Once this is done you can aim for the heart which glows in orange. Keep firing arrows until the health bar is down and the Thunderjaw collapses to the ground.

1. Essential combat tips to become the best Dinosaur-Mech Hunter

The world of Horizon Forbidden West is diverse and complex. You will need to persevere and endure in the post-apocalyptic world to enrich your armory for those Dino battles. While starting always remember to scan your target to find out its weak points and elemental weaknesses. Once the scanning is done you can tag the different machine parts.

Just like in Horizon Zero Dawn, Frost is the strongest element over here which can give you an upper hand against a Dinosaur-Mech. Another very helpful element is Acid which causes a chain reaction and exposes the vulnerable areas of a Dino-Mech. Just like in any action RPG, healing plays an important role while in combat. Make sure to use the berry pouch effectively so that you never run out of health while facing a Dinosaur-Mech.