Action RPGs are one of the most trending gaming genres with millions of players exploring them regularly. Since 2024 began, PlayStation players have been eagerly waiting for Rise of the Ronin to experience the 19th-century combat system as a samurai. However, mastering the combat system is not easy in Rise of the Ronin especially if you haven’t ever played RPGs before. So, before you jump, you need to be aware of the essential tips to survive.

Besides exploration, stealth combats, and face-to-face fights, the game features a few complex mechanisms that can be tricky to handle unless you know the exact way to handle them. If you want to master the skill of combat, you must be accustomed to various things including, parries, stances, Ki, etc. If you are finding it tough to become a Samurai Master in Rise of the Ronin, this guide will provide you with some tips.

Rise of the Ronin- Essential Tips to Become A Samurai Master

In Rise of the Ronin, players are taken to the mid-19th century Japan and while exploring the world, eventually players will realize that enemy factions are always ready to eliminate them. So, mastering combat skills is one of the primary requirements to survive the game. Don’t be panicked if you haven’t ever experienced this kind of brutal world. The below tips will help you plan your strategy and become a Samurai Master in the game:

5. Focus on Dodging

tips and tricks rise of the ronin
Dodging Attacks in Rise of the Ronin

When talking about battles, the first thing that comes to mind is which weapons to use or how to attack the enemy. However, that’s not all. When you are fighting, offense and defense should be given equal priority. As a Samurai not only does good offense show your skills to become a Samurai Master, but good defense power also does the same. So, when you are fighting in Rise of the Ronin, make sure to dodge enemy attacks skillfully. 

In this game, most enemy attacks can be easily parried. However, some attacks are challenging to parry, especially when the opponent starts glowing red. These attacks are heavy attacks and if land successfully, players will lose a chunk of their health. In these cases, dodge attacks to protect your character. In most cases, your opponent will become defenseless just after launching these big attacks. Take advantage and hit hard.

4. Practice Countersparks, But Don’t Give It All Your Attention

tips and tricks rise of the ronin
Rise of the Ronin Combat

Countersparks is basically the parrying system of the game. When players parry an enemy attack and reduce their Ki, this move is referred to by Counterspark. The Ki meter of the enemy will be found under the life bar, and as you perform counterspark to lower the Ki meter, your enemy will eventually be vulnerable to a critical hit. As always, critical hits will drain lots of health. However, countersparks are not easy to perform. They require lots of practice.

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Counterspark is indeed the best defense way, but still, players need to practice other defensive moves to become a Samurai Master. Only Countersparks can’t rescue you from every situation.

3. Be Careful During Stealth Attacks

tips and tricks rise of the ronin
Crouching on Roof

Indeed face-to-face fights get more attention in every RPG, still stealth fights can’t be ignored. When the opponent is immensely powerful, it is always better to attack them stealthily from behind, but in Rise of the Ronin, Team Ninja made things a bit twisted as enemies can hear and see you from a distance. They have sharp ears and eagle-like eyes to spot you if you make even the slightest mistakes during stealth attacks. 

Enemies in these game can hear and see you from a few feet distance. However, in comparison, their watch power still wins. So, plan your stealth attack in a way that you always stay away from their sight. You can crouch on rooftops to make it easier.

2. Use Ranged Weapons, Especially The Rifle

tips and tricks rise of the ronin
Using Rifle in the game

Rise of the Ronin provides players with a range of weapon choices for close and long-range fights. Of course, close-range fights are more thrilling, but not everytime players can take this risk. Some enemies are challenging enough to deal with in a close-range fight, especially, if you are going to deal with a boss. In those situations, long-range weapons work like magic. 

During boss fights, it is always best to keep a safe distance from the opponent and use a sniper to deal damage. If you can stealthily set a good position to aim at the boss’s head with a sniper, the headshots deal massive damage. Some enemies can be killed in a single shot. Worried about the sound? It makes sound, but that won’t be a great problem, especially if you consider the weapon’s power.

1. Ensure to Stock Healing Potions and Medicines

tips and tricks rise of the ronin
Healing Potions in the game

If you have played RPGs before, you must be aware that healing potions play an important role in these games. Players often get caught in challenging fights that drastically lower their healthbar. In Rise of the Ronin, the chance of losing health is more potent as players start with an average healthbar. So, they frequently need healing potions to survive fights.

In the game, players can even craft healing items. The world has items that players can gather and craft the Single-Use Elixirs. A better option is also here. In this case, players need to learn some of the best skills and abilities of the game to increase the number of auto-filled healing items. 

These are some of the essential tips to remember when players begin their Rise of the Ronin journey. As a beginner, if players follow the above-mentioned steps, they can easily become a Samurai Master.