Palworld is one of the most discussed games of the recent times. This game has received popularity, beyond expectations. Its combination of survival elements, Pal-catching features, and a vast open world has taken it to the peak of success. However, the game mechanism of Palworld is complex and if you don’t follow some essential steps, you may not enjoy the game like others are doing.

Don’t worry, if you haven’t ever played this kind of game and are confused about how to make your gameplay experience the best because we have prepared a list of tips and tricks that you should follow as a beginner to succeed in Palworld. If you want to go with the flow and dive into the unique world of Palworld, you must take care of a few issues from the beginning of the game. So go through the below points and try to do as we suggest:

Learn How the Game Works and Set Priorities

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Setting Up Base

As soon as you spawn in the world, you will see lots of new features and multiple colorful cute pals roaming around the location. Don’t get overwhelmed by these and jump into killing or capturing them. Take your time and understand the core mechanisms of the game and decide your work based on that. Though it is a pal-catching game, survival is the fundamental element of Palworld. So, players need to focus on survival from the beginning of their journey.

Collect stones and wood to make weapons. Gather other necessary resources, build the base, set farms, stock food, and upgrade the base and stats. Invest your time on your base to keep it working properly. These should be your primary focus throughout the game. Capturing Pals comes next.

Catch Pals, Don’t Kill Them

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Catching Pals in Palworld

In Palworld, players will get hundreds of different Pals. Killing them is necessary for resources as these creatures drop different items that you need for crafting. Leather is one of the potent examples of it. However, still, we suggest don’t kill these creatures randomly. Instead, craft multiple Pal Spheres to catch them as much as possible. You can add them to your base for various works. Assign them to work and they will do it consistently to maintain the resource stock of your base. Additionally, when you catch 10 pals of the same type, that specific Pal will get an upgrade.

SUGGESTED: 7 Pals You’ll Want to Catch Early On in Palworld

Also, the best part of capturing more pals is that it will give you Experience points, that you need to level up and unlock new items from the Technology Menu.

Craft Daedream Necklace

palworld essential tips and tircks

The Palworld has multiple bosses to fight and some of them are too tough to battle. In this scenario, you must take your best Pals for a fight. If you have Daedream, we suggest having a Daedream Necklace and having it as your constant companion. This will help you carry an extra pal and your two Pals can fight the enemy simultaneously. It will make the fight a bit easier.

Daedream is one of the strongest early-game pals that you must not miss. It will help you get Pals to help you progress through the game and win challenging fights.

Carry Enough Food When Exploring the World

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Berry Farm in Palworld

Once you start the game, you will eventually understand the importance of food in the game. Not only do your character die out of starvation, but also your Pals die if you don’t provide them with food. So, from the beginning, you must prioritize getting food. In the game, you can find berries throughout the world that you can harvest and feed yourself and the Pal team.

However, the permanent solution to this problem is to plant berry seeds at your base and let your pals harvest berries and stock them for future use. Additionally, you can build a mill and grow crops to make bread. Carry lots of food, if you are going to explore the world or fight a boss. In the middle of the fight, if your pals get hungry, you have to serve them food or they will collapse.

Use Technology Points Wisely

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Technology Menu

This is one of the major things to keep in mind if you want to enjoy the game. The Technology Menu has tons of features, items, and equipment to unlock. As you level up, you will get Technology Points that you can use to unlock different recipes. That’s the tricky part. Not all features or crafting recipes are worth unlocking. At least at the beginning of the game. You can unlock them when you have built all the necessary items.

So, whenever you have Technology Points, open the Technology Menu to check which item you can unlock. Don’t spend them on random items. Instead, check what you need at that point and use the points accordingly on those items.

SUGGESTION: How to Play Palworld with Friends

These are the most important tips that players should remember when start playing Palworld. Apart from that, we suggest not to get too brave to fight bosses that are much higher than your level. If you die, all your items will drop and you have to get back to the same location and take them back. On that note, don’t carry too many items in your inventory. Instead, make chests at your base and keep the valuable belongings inside them. Also, it is better not to fight with the Thugs. Avoid them as much as possible.

If you can follow these things from the beginning of the game, you probably won’t face much difficulty in progressing and building a solid base with powerful pals in Palworld.