Stellar Blade has already garnered critical success with its combat system being a key point of focus. With a lot of varied attacks, parries, combos, and special attacks at her disposal, Shift Up’s protagonist Eve is a nightmare to the local nightmare.

It does take a while to get there, however, as the early game sees most of Eve’s deadly skill locked behind a skill tree. You earn XP and Skill Points throughout the game, allowing you to expand your arsenal of attacks and take the fight to your enemies.

Smoking Sick Style

Stellar Blade comes with a very deep combat system indeed!

Combat in Stellar Blade draws a lot of well-earned comparisons to Sekiro, which had incredible fighting mechanics to begin with. Shift Up has built on that foundation with fluid animations and combos that can be interrupted to block or parry with ease.

This makes combat in the game a very dynamic affair, as you can quickly go from offense to defense in a heartbeat and maintain pressure on your enemies. With a few well-spent Skill Points, you can get there a lot faster while also leaving the scope for upgraded versions of these moves later down the line.

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Here are four combo attacks that you can unlock early in Stellar Blade that can leave the Naytibans in disarray once you master them.

4. The Rush Chain

Time to Rush in!

You are introduced to Rush Attacks quite early in the game, allowing you to quickly close the distance between Eve and a distant enemy. But what do you do once you get there?

The Rush Chain Combo I attack allows you to perform a series of rapid slashes after a Rush Attack, making it great for smaller enemies trying to create distance from Eve. Easy to unlock and perform by simply tapping Triangle after a Rush Attack, this move can be improved with Rush Chain Combo II, later on, to charge it up with Beta Energy for more power.

It is a very versatile attack to have, considering that it can be canceled out fairly quickly into a dodge or block, making it easy for you to keep pressure on your enemies while maintaining consistent damage.

3. Incursion II

Keeping the pressure on your enemies is a key to your success.

An attack that is especially useful against nimble opponents that may like to dodge away from attacks, this is a combo of light and heavy strikes ending with a Rush Attack that can close gaps with ease. It can be great at any stage of combat working as a versatile opening move.

Executed by pressing Square, Square, Triangle, Triangle, the first two attacks can be canceled out into a parry or dodge if the need arises while the final two attacks can be used situationally. Execute the fourth attack only if you are sure the enemy is going to try and escape to get the best out of this combo.

2. Onslaught IV

May as well bring out the big guns.

This is the combo to get if you’re relying on pure damage output to get you out of sticky situations. Highly versatile with a mix of light and heavy attacks, this combo can wipe out most basic enemies in Stellar Blade if you manage to land all five hits.

Executed with Triangle, Square, Triangle, Square, Triangle, the second and third hits of the attack can be canceled for a Perfect Parry or Perfect Dodge, making this a very versatile move to have for Eve.

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You will soon find yourself blazing a path of destruction through basic mobs, making the high Skill Point investment you need to unlock this move worth it.

1. Beta Skill Combos

The best fights deserve some of your best moves.

Beta Skills lets Eve make the most out of her basic attacks and parries to unleash powerful skills for tons of damage. With the right unlocks, these combo attacks allow her to truly showcase her power with follow-up attacks that do not consume any Beta Guage.

Unleashed by pressing the corresponding button input for the base skill again after it connects, these combos can be very powerful in the early game, making short work of basic enemies and bosses alike if you can use them in tandem with other mechanics.

By balancing your use of basic attacks, dodges and parries along with these combos, your time in Stellar Blade is soon going to be a power trip, with you at the center of it all. Stay tuned for more tips on the latest action RPG to grace the Soulslike genre.